Education is one of the pillars of CERN’s mission. In 2017, CERN’s Director General, Fabiola Gianotti, laid out a vision for a one-of-a-kind outreach centre that would expand CERN’s already extensive range of education and outreach programmes, reaching out to more and younger visitors.
Designed by the world-renowned agency Renzo Piano Building Workshop, in collaboration with Brodbeck Roulet Architectes Associés, the Science Gateway will welcome between 300,000 and 500,000 visitors every year, immersing them in the discoveries, science, and technologies of CERN.
The CERN Campus now comprises Science Gateway and the Globe of Science and Innovation, which was donated by the Swiss Confederation in 2004. Since then, it has played a central role in achieving greater public engagement and today in collaboration with Science gateway it will keep offering numerous, fascinating public events and activities happening all year round.
Globe of Science and innovation
Public events at CERN
Bring Timepix chips into classrooms and empower tomorrow's scientists!
Your investment in Timepix isn't just a donation; it's a catalyst for change. By supporting this project, you're investing in the future of STEM education
TimePix Chip, from the International Space Station to the Moon
First 3D colour X-Ray of a human using TimePix
Shaping the future of STEM Education with a tool as small as a USB pen
TimePix contribution to Art
Renaissance painter Raphael gets finally recognized behind the painting "The Madonna and Child".
Improving head tumor radiotherapy
Small size and huge impact
Cutting edge technology to improve STEM education globally
"To have access to such exciting technology which enabled us to be part of genuinely impactful experiments was so empowering. Aside from the excitement of learning concepts that went well beyond the curriculum, it also gave myself and others confidence in my ability to learn, research, and share ideas that I would certainly not have otherwise had.
To have that confidence built at that age stood me in great stead as I was making decisions about my future. Not only was I inspired by all of the fascinating science that I learned through the experiments that we were able to conduct with TimePix, but I felt as though my peers and I could really, meaningfully contribute.
It was a completely unique experience and I am very grateful."
- Anna, TIMEPIX@school pilot high school user, now works in Data Analysis.
Ignite the spark of scientific curiosity
"For many high school students, especially those from low income or minority backgrounds, it’s often difficult to see the value of studying STEM subjects. This project provides them with leading edge hardware they can use in their classrooms, the same device used in space, in hospitals and in museums."
- Michael Campbell, MediPix and TIMEPIX@school project leader
Involve more than 20.000 students all over the world in STEM Education thanks to TIMEPIX@school.
What do spectroscopic X-ray imaging in medicine, monitoring radiation in space, studying our cultural heritage, and analyzing viruses have in common? They can all be performed using the innovative MediPix and TimePix chips, developed at CERN through a collaboration of academic institutes.
The Global Challenge
According to a report by the World Economic Forum, there is estimated to be a global shortage of over 85 million skilled workers by 2030, with the largest gap in technology and engineering. One of the reasons behind this gap is the lack of diversity and inclusivity in many STEM workplaces and programs. TimePix aims to bridge the skills gap by fostering scientific curiosity and promoting fair access to STEM education.
Investing in Education
Education is the cornerstone of progress. By investing in TIMEPIX@school, you're not just funding a project; you're investing in the dreams and aspirations of countless students around the world. You're opening doors of opportunity, breaking down barriers, and empowering the next generation of scientists.
Our approach
Through the establishment of regional hubs, either is schools or universities we're bringing TIMEPIX@school technology directly into classrooms across CERN Member States, Associate Member States, and beyond. These hubs will serve as beacons of innovation, distributing 400 TimePix kits and teaching materials to local schools and ensuring that every child, regardless of location or background, has access to qualitative and hands-on science education. Students will get the chance to observe radiation in their classroom environments using the same devices which are used at CERN, on the International Space Station, in hospitals and in museums.
Your Impact
As a donor, you play a central role in our project. Your contributions enable us to expand our reach, develop innovative teaching materials, and provide essential resources to schools and students. By igniting the spark of teenagers’ scientific curiosity with TIMEPIX@school, you are directly impacting their futures and empowering them to reach their full potential.
Together, we can make a lasting impact on STEM education and workforce diversity. Join us in supporting TimePix in classrooms and empowering tomorrow's scientists.
To have more information on how to become a partner, send us an email to:
What is TIMEPIX@school?
TIMEPIX@school is one of the chips developed by the Medipix Collaborations. After 30 years of project impact on different societal applications, we are now ready to make TimePix more widely available in high schools. The TimePix kit chip has been used in a number of successful pilot projects in schools, to be sure that it responds to the needs of its users: students.
How does it work?
Did you know that we are always surrounded by radiation? Like background radiation, a natural form always present in every environment. We are constantly hit by cosmic rays, particles produced by stars or black holes, that travel through us every minute. Even the dust all around us can be a source of radioactivity.
But how do they work? It can be difficult to understand radiation and how powerful it can be as a tool.
Using TimePix as visual aid, you will give as many students as possible the chance to be hands-on with science. Designing experiments that will enable them to perceive radiation all around them and how it interacts with matter.
In the image*, you can see an example of a detection taken with TimePix, and how different sources of radiation are represented by different shapes and colors. This makes TimePix intuitive to use and creates the spark of curiosity, in young people as much as in adults.
(*a single frame showing background radiation in half an hour exposure, and its probable interpretation.)
TIMEPIX@school impact?
The TimePix and Medipix chips have "reached places others cannot reach" by permitting new applications such as those in medical imaging and space exploration. Our data showed that the interest in science of students who were able to use the TimePix chip was doubled. Moreover, TIMEPIX@school is actively contributing to 5 of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our main goals by 2030:
Build an international network to spread scientific curiosity;
Involve 20.000 students all over the globe into STEM education;
Increase international and national collaboration creating more than 35 Hubs for TimePix Kits.
Whether you are part of a company interested in investing in STEM educational projects, a foundation or an individual, reach out to know more about this project and possible partnerships opportunities at:
Although art and theoretical physics may seem like poles apart, they share a deep connection. The synergy between these disciplines lies in their shared goal of understanding the fundamental nature of the world around us. Both artists and theoretical physicists strive to create models that can help us unravel the complexities of the Universe.
The project Exploring the Unknown:
Set in the dynamic environment of the CERN Science Gateway, Exploring the Unknown is more than an art-science exhibition; it’s a space that bridges the gap between the known and the unknown, prompting reflection on some of the most profound and universal questions.
The project is designed to explore three main themes – Space & Time, the Void (the Quantum Vacuum), and the Invisible (Dark Matter) – and uses art as a means of expressing and exploring the creativity that is awoken when one contemplates the Universe.
Curiosity and wonder in the face of the Universe’s mysteries underpin the exhibition’s narrative. The space will feature a diverse representation of artists and mediums aspiring to create an array of multisensory experiences that provide new ways of engaging with audiences.
The commissioned works:
Each commissioned artwork is loaned to CERN for a three-year period before being returned to the artist. The artworks will then be exhibited in other venues, providing increased exposure and reach for the project beyond the local area close to CERN.
In the autumn of 2023, CERN installed the first series of artworks commissioned specifically for the Science Gateway. Four artists were selected to create new works for the opening exhibition: Julius von Bismarck and Benjamin Maus (DE), Ryoji Ikeda (JPN), Chloé Delarue (CH), and Yunchul Kim (KOR).
These artists are all former residents of CERN's renowned arts and science programme, “Arts at CERN”. They have interacted with scientists, visited the Laboratory, and conducted research on the exhibition's themes.
CERN has already chosen the first artist to be commissioned in the next iteration of Exploring the Unknown in 2026: Rosa Barba, a German-Italian artist based in Berlin, who will create a new and impressive installation inspired by the themes of the Invisible and Dark Matter.
The impact:
Besides providing a fruitful synergy between arts and science, the exhibition will serve as a dynamic and engaging viewing experience for visitors to the Science Gateway.
It will showcase the incredible work of multiple artists but also explore new horizons in contemporary art through the lens of science.
It will pave the way for innovative and thought-provoking projects that blur the lines between the two fields.
Sponsoring Exploring the Unknown at CERN's Science Gateway is an excellent way for organisations, foundations, and businesses to engage in the creation of an art-science exhibition. The CERN & Society Foundation is currently looking for sponsors for the next iteration of Exploring the Unknown in 2026.
Organisations and businesses sponsoring this venture will not only support the exhibition's development but also foster a meaningful interaction between science and art. They will facilitate a dialogue extending beyond traditional boundaries, helping visitors to consider their place in the cosmos.
This is YOUR chance to contribute to an endeavour that illuminates the mysteries of our Universe, transforming curiosity into a shared experience of awe and wonder.
Contact us at
The non-Member State (NMS) PhD Studentship Scheme provides young, high-calibre PhD students with the opportunity to participate in the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiments, in addition to other scientific and technological activities in the CERN programme. The scheme offers students in particle physics, applied physics, information technology (IT), computing and engineering from NMS a unique chance to deepen their knowledge in a truly unique organisation. They will get involved in world-famous experiments and accelerator projects of unprecedented scale and scope and will bring new skills and a range of expertise back to their home countries and regions.
How it started:
The original programme, the “ATLAS PhD Grant Scheme”, was founded in 2014 by Fabiola Gianotti and Peter Jenni, former ATLAS spokespersons, who donated the Fundamental Physics Special Breakthrough Prize awarded for their leading role in the discovery of the Higgs boson. Now, after many successful years, and thanks to the pilot scheme for doctoral studentships for students from CERN NMS, the programme has evolved into this new initiative.
The Studentship Scheme:
Selected candidates receive a studentship to work towards a PhD thesis while spending up to two years at CERN, at the forefront of science, over the full period of their PhD studies.
Our objectives:
- Provide opportunities for young, high-calibre PhD students in particle physics, applied physics, IT, computing and engineering to obtain world-class exposure, supervision and training in CERN experiments and accelerator projects.
- Deliver on CERN’s capacity-building target by providing training in the fields of particle physics and related areas.
- Give students the chance to bring new skills and a range of expertise back to their home countries and regions.
- Boost participation in the LHC/High-Luminosity LHC and future major projects at CERN.
- Give students in countries with limited exposure to CERN the chance to become CERN ambassadors.
Eligibility and qualifications:
All NMS nationalities are eligible to apply to the NMS PhD Studentship Scheme; you can find the list here.
Since diversity and inclusion are an integral part of CERN’s mission and are established values of the Organization, priority will be given to students studying in developing countries or regions and to those studying in countries and regions with developing particle physics communities.
To qualify for a place, PhD students will need to meet the following requirements:
- Be enrolled in university and have completed at least one year of PhD studies.
- Have already have agreed on their thesis subject with their home university or are looking for one.
- Have a good knowledge of English and/or French.
Responsibility for full PhD supervision and awarding of the degree lies with the home university; daily co-supervision while at CERN is by a CERN staff member.
Application period:
Please note that the application period has expired on 30 August 2023 CEST .
The programme for PhD students from non-Member states is only possible thanks to generous donations from individuals, companies and foundations.
Support the scientists of tomorrow by making a donation now!
Reaching new audiences by ‘going where the people are’
The CERN festival programme is a way to spread CERN’s spirit of curiosity to the world by interacting with people where they are, reaching out to current and future social and cultural influencers.
With a Science Pavilion present at different music festivals around the world, the project is designed to reach national populations at large, including audiences that are not necessarily interested or attracted by the scientific domain, and with the ultimate goal to encourage people’s interest in STEM and attract future scientific talents.
The Festival Programme is unique in several ways:
- It takes place at music and culture festivals.
- It targets members of the public that do not usually go to scientific events and would be unlikely to travel to CERN.
- It presents science activities for all ages and knowledge in the form of talks, shows and workshops.
Born in 2016, with a first Science Pavilion at a festival in the UK, that attracted 4500 people in 3 days of festival. In 2019, the programme already reached 4 festivals in 4 different countries with more than 20.000 participants at the Science Pavilion!
Impact on society:
- Fostering awareness about science.
- Proving that science, and more particularly basic scientific concepts, are accessible to all if explained and demonstrated in plain language and in an engaging way.
- Explaining the need, value and impact of science on society.
- Taking the opportunity to bring CERN to a broader range of audiences by explaining what physicists, engineers and technicians are doing at CERN.
- For a young audience, providing information and advice about scientific matters, education etc. (experience has shown that some parents were surprised to discover their children’s curiosity and passion for science), and possibly seeding the next generation of scientists.
Do you believe in science and in the importance of spreading scientific knowledge all around the globe?
Support the CERN Festival programme with a donation and inspire the scientists of tomorrow, we need young brilliant minds to overcome the main global challenges that we are facing nowadays.
Biology Dynamics Modeller
Many of the technologies that are developed for purely scientific purposes in pursuit of CERN’s fundamental research mission have great potential to directly impact and benefit society at large.
One such technology that could tackle various global needs is the Biology Dynamics Modeller (BioDynaMo): open source, agent-based, simulation software that was originally designed to simulate the behaviour of billions of cells. Agent-based modelling (ABM) is a powerful methodology for studying complex systems in biology, epidemiology, economics, social sciences, medicine and more.
The main advantage of BioDynaMo compared to other, similar, tools is that it has been heavily optimised to take full advantage of modern (multi-core and GPU) hardware and can greatly reduce simulation time, thus allowing researchers to simulate several scenarios in a reasonable time frame. The BioDynaMo project draws on CERN’s experience in large-scale computing. More specifically, CERN’s experience in running large-scale open source projects and its know-how in code modernisation and hardware acceleration were essential to developing the high-performance simulation engine that forms the core of BioDynaMo.
These features have convinced many labs to switch to running their simulations using BioDynaMo. Moreover, during the recent COVID-19 pandemic, CERN launched a collaboration with the Institute of Global Health of the University of Geneva to adapt BioDynaMo to run simulations on the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through a population.
CERN is now raising funds to use BioDynaMo to address three highly relevant societal needs:
The project will also contribute to the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): good health and well-being (SDG 3), industry innovation and infrastructure (SDG 9), reduced inequalities (SDG 10), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11) and partnership for the goals (SDG 17).
If you want to find out more, visit or
If you are interested in supporting this programme, contact us at
At the forefront of scientific research and innovation, CERN unites people from all over the world to push the frontiers of science and technology for the benefit of all. Over the years, CERN’s research has been bringing real world changes in society, and we aim to keep doing that for generations to come.
The CERN Technology Impact Fund is a new framework to support CERN technologies with a strong potential to address existing global societal issues, as identified by the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).
Under this mechanism, the CERN Knowledge Transfer group identifies promising CERN technologies and, with the help of the CERN & Society Foundation, increases their maturity to reach concrete applications in support of UN SDGs.
CERN Technology Impact Fund projects aim to bridge the gap between the technological outputs of CERN’s research and their end applications in a way that will address existing global or local societal challenges – particularly those identified in the UN SDGs.
An effective partnership between multiple actors is essential to ensure the success of this endeavour. If you wish to support the CERN Technology Impact Fund or learn more about how you can be involved, please Contact Us.
These are the projects that are currently being developed:
Sparks! enables those serendipituous conversations for curious minds that lead to beautiful collaborations across disciplines. In these annual events, there is a podcast grounding some of the key aspects of the topic, a series of short talks to spark ideas, and a forum to allow those ideas to be nurtured and grow together.
As science becomes ever-more specialised, the complex problems facing society require knowledge and expertise from more than just one field. Scientific serendipity can no longer be taken for granted: it needs to be curated, and that is what Sparks! aims to do. Multidisciplinary discussion and collaboration is essential, yet few platforms exist offering opportunities for such interactions. As a centre of excellence in science and technology, one of the largest laboratories hosting collaborative research in the world, and a leader in fields as diverse as accelerators, detectors, superconducting magnets and IT, CERN is ideally placed to host such multidisciplinary discussions and guide them to conclusions that will benefit society as a whole.
The Sparks! Forum format is that of an annual two-day multidisciplinary science innovation forum and public event. The Sparks! Serendipity Forum at CERN aims to bring together renowned scientists from diverse fields around the world, along with decision makers, representatives of industry, ethicists and the public to bring a novel, multi-faceted approach to addressing some of the big questions of our time.
Innovative ideas and technologies from physics have contributed to great advances in the field of medicine over the last 100 years, since the advent of radiation-based medical diagnosis and treatment and following the discovery of X-rays and radioactivity.
Radioisotopes are already widely used by the medical community for imaging, diagnosis and radiation therapy. However, many of those currently used do not combine the most appropriate physical and chemical properties and therefore do not target tumours closely enough. In some cases, a different type of radiation could be better suited.
CERN-MEDICIS (Medical Isotopes Collected from ISOLDE) is a unique facility designed to produce radioisotopes with the right properties to enhance the precision of both patient imaging and treatment, and provide the opportunity to radically improve the success of cancer treatment. It will expand the range of radioisotopes available for medical research – some of which can be produced only at CERN – and send them to hospitals and research centres in Switzerland and across Europe for further study.
Great strides have been made recently in the use of radioisotopes for diagnosis and treatment, and MEDICIS will enable researchers to devise and test unconventional radioisotopes with a view to developing new approaches to fight cancer.
CERN-MEDICIS demonstrates again how CERN technologies can benefit society beyond their use for our fundamental research. With its unique facilities and expertise, CERN is committed to maximising the impact of CERN technologies in our everyday lives.- Frédérick Bordry, former CERN’s Director for Accelerators and Technology
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