Since opening in October, the centre has welcomed an average of 1000 visitors per day
On Tuesday, 6 February, CERN Science Gateway welcomed its 100 000th visitor.
Bavo Lens and Nicky Morren came from Hasselt to Geneva on a city break and said “visiting CERN is a must”.
“For me, as an engineer, it was great to be able to see high-tech machines like the Synchrocyclotron and ATLAS,” Lens said. “Congratulations to the guide who was able to explain the very complex material in understandable language. The reception building is very beautiful and offers wonderful exhibitions that explain how particle research works very clearly, even for those who are not gifted in science. We ended our visit in the restaurant, where we enjoyed the vegetarian options!”
Since the opening of CERN Science Gateway on October 8 2023, an average of 1000 visitors per day have enjoyed this new facility. The centre offers activities for all ages, including inviting young visitors from five years old to play and “see the invisible” while building up an interest in and connection to science and technology.
Having reached this milestone, the Visits service would like to send a big “thank you” to all its active guides. None of this would have been possible without the enormous dedication of each and every one of them, volunteering day after day to ensure that our visitors have an inspiring experience.
For those who have not yet found the time to become a guide: take the first step and become part of this new era of outreach and education at CERN. The first step is usually the biggest, but the team will be there to support you at every stage of the journey.
The CERN Science Gateway is supported through the CERN & Society Foundation and the generosity of its donors.