Programme du CERN pour les étudiants en entreprenariat

I often speak with my friends about things that are going around in this world that we wish we could change this and that... Maybe thanks to this program, I can do my part in society and perhaps make a small difference in the real world
- Tomas Monopoli, Participant, CESP 2019


From fundamental research to high-tech entrepreneurs of tomorrow.

In the pursuit of its fundamental research mission, CERN has often had to develop innovative technologies, which in turn have been used to create many new products and services in areas as diverse as library management, solar collectors, medical and biomedical technologies, aerospace applications, safety processes, the environment and others, through established companies and start-ups.

Promoting high-tech entrepreneurship to a younger generation is a natural evolution of the innovative activities that are already taking place at CERN. The CERN Entrepreneurship Student Programme – CESP - targets master’s level students and builds on CERN’s scientific expertise and knowledge, assigning a technological dimension to entrepreneurship training and education. Our ambition is to help students by enriching their entrepreneurial skillset and giving them the confidence to become entrepreneurs in the future, ideally boosting high-tech venture creation.

CESP consists of a five-week residency, during which the students stay full time on site at CERN. Students get to ‘Explore-Evaluate-Exploit’, under the supervision and coaching of CERN experts. In 2018, the first residency was organized with the participation of 10 students from all over the world. In 2019, we were able to support 15 students. The students came from various disciplines such as engineering, product development and innovation, intellectual capital management, nanotechnology, and renewable energy systems. 


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