UNIQA supports the CERN & Society Foundation

UNIQA supports the CERN & Society Foundation

ven 28/04/2017 - 15:20


For the third consecutive year, insurance company UNIQA has funded in part the COLLIDE International Award. COLLIDE is a Residency Award and the flagship programme of CERN’s arts and science programme, Arts at CERN, operating under the auspices of the CERN & Society Foundation.

COLLIDE gives artists from all over the world the opportunity to explore new artistic dimensions through a connection with fundamental science. Artists, selected via an annual international competition, directly work with CERN scientists to stimulate their work, bringing new perspectives and a new dimension to artistic research. Since 2011, the COLLIDE International Award offers artists from around the globe a fully-funded residency for up to 3 months on site at CERN.

The 2017 winner of the COLLIDE International Award is hrm199, a studio platform funded in 2004 by London-based artist Haroon Mirza. In this occasion, he will work in collaboration with artist and musician Jack Jelfs alongside CERN scientists.

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