Discover the story of Angelica from the Philippines


Angelica, an MSc student in physics, couldn’t believe that the summer of 2023 would be so enriching and meaningful.  

When she discovered that she had been accepted for the 2023 non-Member State summer student programme at CERN, she immediately thought, “What if this opportunity passes me by?”.

But, having secured her visa, Angelica took advantage of every opportunity at CERN. While dealing with a rush of emotions, she had the opportunity to learn more about her project and the collaboration she was part of.   

At CERN, Angelica experienced groundbreaking research and felt she was fulfilling her purpose. In her words, being at CERN “means continuous learning towards creating a meaningful impact”.   

Angelica is passionate about particle physics and also loves the Japanese language.  

Her dream is to be a particle physicist and support the Philippines in becoming a CERN Member State.   

She would like to encourage more Filipino physicists to come to CERN so that they too can experience the beauty of being trained “in an institution that has really made concrete steps towards advancing science”.